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Middlesbrough Girls Centre of Excellence

C of E - Recruitment


The main trials for Middlesbrough Girls Centre of Excellence concluded in July 2008 but individual trials can take place at anytime over the season.

A player will be offered an initial 2 week trial involving 4 coaching sessions with their respective age group. It will then be at the discretion of the director and coach to further the trial by 2 more weeks incorporating 2 games. At the end of the trial period an assessment will take place between director, coach, player and parent in which a decision regarding registration will be made.

Please note that any player involved in club football MUST notify their club at least 7 days prior to applying for a Centre of Excellence trial.

If you know a talented player under the age of 16 who has played regularly at club or district level and would like to nominate them for a trial please contact Centre Director Craig Nicholson at