This is the corporate section of our web-site. Here you will find out more about our organisation, its history, ethos, funding and how you may become part of our story.
Middlesbrough Football Club in the Community is a vibrant and active organisation that aims to promote all areas of football development and uses the medium of football to educate and promote positive lifestyle messages.
The initiative was the vision of Middlesbrough Chairman Steve Gibson and was formed in 1995. Mr. Gibson's aim was to put something back into his local community.
Middlesbrough Football Club in the Community is a registered charity that is separate to the Football Club with a board of trustees. The Community Project does receive support from the Football Club but also has to seek funding from many other areas.
MFC in the Community is based over two sites, the Willie Maddren Centre at the Riverside Stadium and Middlesbrough Football Community Centre at Eston.