Junior Champions League 2008

Junior Champions League 2008
Under 7's

Middlesbrough Football Club in the Community are currently looking for Under 7 teams (season 07/08) to enter the Champions League 7-a-side tournament on Sunday 17th August 2008. Teams can enter for £40 by contacting Anthony Walker on 01642 451821 or via email [email protected], closing date Friday 1st August 2008.

This, the first ever MFCiC Champions League Tournament, will run from 10am on the top quality grass pitches at MFCiC’s home in Eston.

Upon entry teams will be randomly given a club name which they will be known as through out the tournament. For example “Castleford United may be known as Real Madrid, Middlebeck Rovers may be known as Ajax”. The tournament co-ordinator. Anthony Walker from MFCiC says “These events are fantastic for all the children and staff involved, the day is about playing football and having fun”

For more information on this event and to see which teams have entered, please visit the website at www.mfcic.co.uk

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